Rubus Idaeus Raspberry Polka
Superb autumn fruiting variety bred in Poland. Renowned for the exceptional quality and consistency of its fruit, producing berries with an average weight of over 6g! The large berries are conical in shape, medium red in colour with a superb sweet, aromatic flavour and an outstanding shelf life. The fruit ripens approximately ten days earlier than Autumn Bliss and continues until the first frosts, giving heavier cropping potential. The highest yield comes during August. The vigorous cane are virtually spine-free and have good disease resistance.
Self fertile
Planting Distance: 45cm apart
Crops: Mid August-November
Soak the root-ball before planting. Plant 45cm (18in) apart in rows 1.2m (4ft) apart. Plant in a sheltered spot in a well-drained but moist, fertile soil in full sun or light shade. Plant in a hole twice the diameter of the root-ball or pot. Mix an organic soil improver and general fertiliser with the infill soil. Water regularly until established.
After care:
Fruit is produced on the current year’s cane, although this variety can also have two smaller crops a year if the previous years canes are left in but topped back to just below where the autumn fruits were produced.