Just a few thanks!
We’re gradually making progress with the Garden Centre now, albeit a lot of hard graft still to be done. A massive thanks to eldest son Peter, without whom we’d be really struggling. Not only is he chief designer and planning consultant, but also head joiner!! He makes the trip across from Leeds every Saturday without fail, often then putting in a minimum 12 hour day working with us. Thanks also then to Rhiannon for putting up with it!
Thanks to Dave Carles, my long time friend and electrical consultant. He’s been superb again this weekend, making the trip over from Preston two days running just to help me get my lighting and power circuits just the way Peter has specified. Don’t know quite how to thank you either really Dave.
Finally thanks to all the people who have passed by and given us their good wishes over the past couple of weeks. Now we’ve ‘gone public’ with our plans I was really hoping for some feedback, and we’ve got it, thank heaven. The response seems to be overwhelmingly positive so far I’m pleased to say, so I only hope I live up to the expectation I’ve created. Several people commented they’ve looked at the blogsite. FANTASTIC – there really is nothing quite like the feeling that someone is reading after all! In fact, I know from Peter’s analysis of the stats that we had over 100 hits on the site last week, more than double the previous best week. Nice to know some of you care!!
So, I hope you’ve noticed there is a comment facility? It would be really helpful to hear from anyone with suggestions for things you’d like to see us stock, in particular anything you struggle to get locally right now. Can’t promise we’ll stock everything you suggest, but can promise we’ll seriously consider it.
PS. Thanks also to Richard at RD valeting just a few doors along. When Peter had a bit of an issue with changing his brake discs on Friday night Richard was just brilliant. He doesn’t half clean cars superbly as well. I saw a real life ‘before and after’ case on Friday – couldn’t quite believe the miracle he worked, definitely worth every penny the customer paid.