A new garden shed
This summer (as Dad had a little more time on his hands, or so we thought) it was decided that the old garden shed, which as you can see from the photo was my childhood workshop, was past it’s best and should be rebuilt. Dad would need a potting shed if he was going to be a real gardener, and one that he could be proud of! So I set to work on the design; Dad wanted a green roof and for me it needed to be interesting. Reality meant we had to build it out of easily sourced and affordable materials. It still needs a little bit of painting but this is what we came up with. It’s built to last a lifetime and we think it’s pretty stylish. Hopefully with a little R&D we will might sell some through Lay of the Land?.. anyone interested?
By the way, I’m Pete, Andy’s eldest son here to help out whenever he breaks this website, or needs design advice!